NLP with MG

Latest Advancements

  • If you are not familiar with the concept of a “language model”, please take a moment to read about it here.



OpenAI, which was founded in 2015 by Elon Musk, has made significant progress in natural language processing (NLP). One of the most notable developments is the creation of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a language model that is capable of generating long, coherent, and unique sentences. The term “pre-trained” refers to the fact that large neural networks are trained on vast amounts of text to predict the next word in a sentence. This process utilizes the Transformer structure, which was developed by Google in 2017, and employs the Attention mechanism. The Attention function calculates the likelihood of the next word appearing based on the other words in the text. GPT is a language model pre-trained on Wikipedia texts and books.


The GPT-2 language model was then introduced, trained on all references from Reddit, a website similar to Facebook.


OpenAI later provided the GPT-3 language model with 175 billion parameters, surpassing the previous largest generative language model, Turing-NLG by Microsoft, which had 17 billion parameters.

GPT-3 was trained with a wide range of internet texts, but its use carries the risk of producing fake news, radical or racist texts, and copyright infringement. Its time complexity is also high, and the length of the input text is limited to a few sentences at most.

Among the abilities provided by GPT-3 are: converting natural language into Python code, explaining Python code into natural language, converting natural language into SQL for creating databases, converting first-person to third-person in a text, simplifying texts, calculating time complexity, answering questions, building chatbots, and more.


OpenAI’s next language model, GPT-3.5, was designed to produce several paragraphs of coherent answers to specific and personal questions. For example, if someone says, “I have a problem planning my personal work or have an exam tomorrow but must go to my mother’s house because we have guests,” GPT-3.5 can provide a coherent answer in a few paragraphs and give an opinion or guidance. However, these answers may not always be correct or ethical as the model is trained on internet texts.


ChatGPT is the latest version of the GPT-3 language model, designed specifically for use in chatbots and trained on a large dataset of conversational texts. While it is not more powerful than GPT-3, it has been created for a different purpose. Compared to GPT-3, ChatGPT has a lower time complexity for online performance. However, it still faces challenges with providing wrong or fake answers and its inability to make ethical decisions. These challenges remain difficult for experts in the field to solve.


OpenAI is currently debugging GPT-4, a language model that is similar to GPT-3 but with improved performance. It is expected to be released soon.


BLOOM is a language model that shares a similar structure with GPT-3. It boasts 176 billion parameters and is trained on 48 natural languages including English, Spanish, Italian, and 13 programming languages. It is available on the “huggingface” platform.


LaMDA, short for Language Model for Dialogue Applications, is Google’s latest transformer-based language model designed for conversation-oriented applications. It has 137 billion parameters and is available on Google’s Android application called “AI Test Kitchen”.

Megatron-Turing NLG

Megatron-Turing NLG, developed in partnership with Microsoft and Nvidia, is aiming to become the world’s largest language model with 530 billion parameters.


  • You can cite this post using the following format:

Ghanbarpour, M. (2023a, March 14). ‘The Latest Advancements in NLP’ NLP With MG. Retrieved from

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My name is Ma’soumeh Ghanbarpour, and I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence at Allameh Tababaei University in Tehran. For my Bachelor’s degree, I studied Persian Language and Literature at Tehran’s Kharazmi University.

NLP with MG

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